By Scranton Fringe Festival (other events)

3 Dates Through Oct 02, 2016

TOAST!             Rated PG-13

Presented by Gaslight Theatre Co.

Written by David Parmelee

Based completely on online reviews of toasters, juicers, mousetraps, condoms, and toilet plungers. Edited, but none rewritten. Hysterical, filled with pathos and brimming with insights into the human condition. You will be astonished at what people reveal about themselves in online reviews. (WILKES BARRE, PA)

 60 minutes  Theater

THE LEONARD - DOWNSTAIRS - 335 Adams Ave. Scranton, PA 18503


PLEASE NOTE - If you choose the 'Button Holder' option, you MUST show your Fringe Button at the box office OR purchase a $5 Fringe Button at the venue WHILE SUPPLIES LAST or you will be charged the remaining $3 before entering the show.